Friday, October 26, 2007

Episode 4

The Bao’s sisters with Zhu Zai in Lollipop’s car
Zhu Zai: Lollipop, thanks for sending me to Orchard.
Lollipop: We are friends for so long. Don’t mention it! It is now past midnight. If you hire a taxi, it’ll be so expensive.
Zhu Zai: Ha-ha. Bubble tea, are you okay? You haven’t been talking since evening.
Bubble Tea: (Shouted) Can you just shut up?
Zhu Zai: Okay. I’m just concerned about you, so I don’t know if you are ill or……
Bubble: (Teary eyes) I dare you to carry on talking.
Zhu Zai: (Scared) Okay, I’ll stop. Lollipop, just stop me at the bus stop. I’ll take a taxi.
Lollipop: All right. Good night.
Zhu Zai: See you in the morning.

Lollipop: Bubble tea, you have to do something about your attitude. Zhu Zai cares for you and that’s what you do to him. What had happened?
Bubble Tea: Don’t talk to me, sis.

In Green Plain Organisation conference room, a meeting between directors
Won Xin: Caleb, how are you doing in the European department?
Caleb: Dad, I’ll be meeting Mr. Brown tomorrow to discuss about the purchase of new airplanes.
Won Xin: (Satisfied) So Fiona & Baoqing, how is the American department going?
Fiona: After we increased the frequency of flights from Singapore to America last quarter, our profit has a remarkable increase of 50%.
Baoqing: In addition dad, we are in the progress of negotiating with smaller Americans’ airline. We hope to fly to more America states.
Won Xin: Do update me regarding this in the next conference!
(Baoqing nodded)
Won Xin: Kennedy, how is the preparation for the European exhibition so far?
Kennedy: We are currently planning the design for the convention hall. In addition, we are in the process of inviting the VIPs. So far, 60% of our invited guests will be attending.
Won Xin: All right, it’s not too bad! Ouyang, anything to add?
Ouyang: Yes, it’s regarding our shares. Recently, the price of our shares is increasing rather slow. From my experience, the price may start to drop.
Won Xin: I do agree with you, after looking at the trend. So what do you have in mind?
Ouyang: I think that this problem is rather minor. I believe that the price will not drop that much in this year. What we can do now is to focus on the exhibition and if it’s successful, more people will buy our shares and by then, the price will rise.
Tan: This exhibition really matters a lot. Caleb & Kennedy, don’t screw it up!

In Caleb’s office
Kennedy: Brother, I have asked Joey to prepare the PowerPoint slides. I’ll send one softcopy to Candice and you. We’ll be asking Candice to be the translator.
Caleb: That’s what I have in mind to. So we will be conducting the exhibition in Blue Convention Hall?
Kennedy: Yes. Aunt Huan, Dick & Candice went there this morning.
Aunt Huan: We had taken a look. The rental of the place is reasonable. We have decided to use the theme of a history gallery.
Dick: In addition, the design of the convention hall resembles an airplane’s cabin. We intend to employ Mr. Leo, the well-known designer in Asia. 2 years ago, he had designed an unique airplane cabin for another airline’s function. That is one of his most classic designs.
Caleb:(Thinking) Mr. Leo, I had heard about it. Isn’t it too expensive? We have limited budget.
Kennedy: I had asked Du Lang(the accountant) about that. We may exceed a little, but what I think is that this exhibition means a lot to us. Many representatives from respective major airlines will be around.
Caleb: I don’t question what you say. However, the budget we are given is already quite high, compared to other project. I don’t want to exceed budget anymore.
Kennedy:(Agitated) Don’t you want it to be done well?
Caleb: Relax Kennedy! Of course. Let’s see what we can do.

In Won’s mansion
Fiona: Dad, your birthday is around the corner. What plans do you have?
Won Xin: Don’t really have to be so grand, like my 65th birthday last year. I don’t really want a major celebration. I just hoped that it can be just a normal family dinner and everyone is around.
Baoqing: So it includes Ulysses, I believe?
Won Xin: Of course.
Fiona: Dad, actually I can tell that you still care for Ulysses right? No doubt he did quarrel with you few years back. Have you tried asking him back?
Won Xin: (Shake his head) You know your brother is such a stubborn person. When he hates someone, he really hates him. How about that Fiona, you try inviting him?
Fiona: (Hesitated) Okay, I’ll try my best. However, if I’m not successful, you must do it yourself.
Won Xin: (Laugh) How dare you to say this to your dad!

Along a street
Kennedy: Hey brother, sorry for being that harsh in your office that day.
Caleb: (Tap his shoulder) It’s okay. Everyone wants the exhibition to succeed. Perhaps we are stressed.
Kennedy: (Saw a man walking along the street) Isn’t he our elder brother?
Caleb: Yes, hey brother!
Ulysses: Hello! Hey Kennedy, long time no see!
Kennedy: The last time I saw you were 2 months ago when I went to your restaurant. Anyway, how come you are here?
Ulysses: Oh! I’m going to set up my 2nd restaurant here. I went to take a look at the shop.
Caleb: Congrats! So can I get a discount card or something?
Ulysses: Do you still need a discount card? You just come and I’ll serve you.
Caleb: How do you serve? Like how you serve a tennis ball?
Ulysses: (Looking up the sky) Lame! Oh ya, sister will be going to my restaurant tonight for dinner. Do you guys want to join?
Kennedy: Why not? The 4 siblings haven’t had a dinner for together for so long.

In Independent Restaurant
4 siblings: Cheers!
Fiona: The 4 of us haven’t had a dinner together for so long. Ulysses, heard that you will be opening the 2nd branch. Congrats!
Ulysses: Thanks. Make sure you are there for the opening ceremony.
Fiona: That’s for sure. How I wish that there are more people?
Ulysses: Sorry sister, what do you want to hint?
Caleb: No, she wants to ask Lollipop, Bubble Tea and Zhu Zai to join us.
Fiona: I don’t have to beat around the bush. Next week is our dad’s birthday. I just hope that you can turn up for the dinner.
(Ulysses looks at Fiona)

To be continued
Next episode will be uploaded on 30/10.

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