Friday, November 23, 2007

Episode 10

Episode 10
In a restaurant in Paris
Bubble Tea: The food here is really great.
Lollipop: Yes Candice, this is really good. How do you know about this restaurant?
Candice: Well, I have read about this restaurant on the magazine.
Caleb: Not too bad. Hold on, let me pick up a call. Hello sister, what? Dad has been admitted into the hospital? He fell at home? All right, do update me!
Bubble Tea: How is uncle?
Caleb: He fell at home and fainted. He is now in the A&E. I still don’t know what his condition is. You all eat first. I will be going to the park nearby. Leave me alone.
(Everyone looks at one another)
Back in the hotel
Lollipop: Dear Miss Bao Pao Pao, so you are making your tiramisu?
Bubble Tea: Yes. Now is like 10pm already, I must rush to the park to be the first one to wish Caleb a happy birthday and cut the cake with him.
Lollipop: Make sure it’s a good one. From last night till now, this is like your 8th attempt. Bubble Tea: Don’t be sarcastic! Though I’m not as talented as Candice in languages, I’m better than her in baking cake and caring for others.

In Candice’s room
Candice: It is like 11.30pm now. Let me make a card and write something on it and bring it to Caleb. Hope that I can brighten him up.

15 minutes later
Candice: Okay. I should go now.

2 minutes later
Lollipop: Bubble Tea, you are going? Good luck!

In Candice’s taxi
Candice: Sir, do you know the way? I need to be there in 10 minutes. Oh my god, my taxi has a flat tyre.
In Bubble Tea’s taxi
Bubble Tea: Sir, can you drive faster? What? Candice is in front of me. Pass the stationary taxi in front!
(Candice’s taxi is overtaken)
Bubble Tea: Good, I can be there before Candice.

In Candice’s taxi
Candice: I can walk to the park from here?
Taxi driver: Yes, just make a left in front. You will reach there.

In Bubble Tea’s taxi
Bubble Tea: Hope that Candice won’t make it there. Ha-ha!

In the park
(Caleb is walking around)
Candice: Caleb, happy birthday!

In Bubble Tea’s taxi
Bubble: Oh my god, my taxi driver has overshot the location and he is making a U-turn. Fast!

In the park
Caleb: Your card is really lovely.
Candice: It’s just a little effort of mine. We just hope that Uncle will be all right. Oh my god, it’s really cold here.
Caleb: This time unlike few months back, I’m not wearing any jacket.
Candice: Oh, I haven’t returned you your jacket yet. We have been too busy that time.
(Caleb is looking at Candice)
Candice: Does my face have something? Anyway, your hand phone is ringing
Caleb: Hello sister, what? Dad is okay? He can be discharged tomorrow?
Candice: That’s good for you Caleb.
Caleb: Good! Hurray!(Held Candice’s hands) Oops, sorry!
Candice: It’s okay. Actually, we have known each other for like 1 year already? What do you think about me?
Caleb: You are a helpful and sweet girl. I really feel comfortable with you than any other girls. Actually……
Candice: (Blushed) What do you want to say?
Caleb: Actually I want to say, can I be your boyfriend?
Candice: What?
Caleb: Never mind, just treat that I wasn’t talking just now.
Candice: Well, I’m cold now. I need my boyfriend to hold my hand and hug me.
Caleb: You mean it?
(Caleb hugs Candice)
(Bubble Tea ran in)
Bubble Tea: The taxi driver is a con. Thank god it’s now 11.58pm. I’m still on time. (He saw Caleb and Candice)
Bubble Tea: I can’t believe it. (Drop the box of tiramisu on the floor & cry) Caleb Won, I can’t believe that you are doing this to me.

In the hotel room
Lollipop: Don’t feel sad Bubble Tea.
Bubble Tea: (Still crying) Do you understand how I feel when you see the guy you like hugging another girl?
Lollipop: I tell you already, don’t put high hope! Candice & Caleb meet almost everyday.
Bubble Tea: Enough! Sister, let’s pack our luggage. I want to leave Paris now.
Lollipop: What?
Bubble Tea: Yes. I forget to tell you. I have booked air tickets for tomorrow 7am flight back to Singapore.
Lollipop: Isn’t it too rash of you?
Bubble Tea: I don’t care. I just want to leave here. People say that Paris is the city of romance. It’s so sarcastic! I’ll never come to Paris anymore.

Next morning
Hotel staff: Good morning, is this Mr. Caleb?
Caleb: Yes.
Hotel staff: Just to inform you that the 2 Miss Baos have flew back to Singapore this morning.
Caleb: What?
Candice: Perhaps they have something urgent. We contact them when we go back Singapore tomorrow.

On the plane
Lollipop: Are you okay?
Bubble Tea: I won’t come back to Paris anymore. I hate this place. Candice, I never thought that there would be a day that I lose to you.

Next episode will be posted on 27/11

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