Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Episode 9

In Independent Restaurant
Ulysses: Hey Bubble Tea, I got this list of French phrases for you.
Bubble Tea: Thanks boss.
Zhu Zai: So when are you all flying off?
Bubble Tea: 3 days later.
Ulysses: Wait, are you all taking the night flight?
Lollipop: Wow boss, you have the 6th sense?
Ulysses: Nope, because my brother is also taking that flight. He needs to do some business over there.
Lollipop: Okay.

In the car
Lollipop: Hey sister, what do you want to buy in France?
(Bubble Tea is thinking and smiling)
Lollipop: Why are you so engrossed? You have been smiling since early in the morning.
Bubble Tea: I’m just happy.
Lollipop: Don’t try to trick me. I have been living with you for so many years. You have a crush on Caleb, right?
Bubble Tea: Don’t talk rot! (Acting shy)
Lollipop: I still remember that time, when Caleb came to the restaurant with his secretary Candice, you looked so pissed.
Bubble Tea: Yea, right!
(Telephone rings)
Bubble Tea: Hello Caleb. Yes, boss has told me that you are traveling to Paris 3 days later.
Caleb: Yes, so I pick up you and your sister at 8pm 3 days later.
Bubble Tea: Thank you, ha-ha! See you then.
Lollipop: I didn’t malign you, right.

In Green Plain Organisation Conference Room
Won Xin: This time round, our European Conference is a success. We manage to get more projects from foreign companies. It’s estimated to have an increase of 25% in profit.
(Everybody applauds)
Won Xin: However, I cannot accept a mistake made by our director, who is also the GM for the European Department (Yell). Kennedy, you must explain to the others.
Kennedy: I admit it’s my mistake that I didn’t check the contract that we signed it with Mr. Leo.
Won Xin: Do you think the other directors can accept this as an excuse? You know how much we lost because of your mistake? You are lucky, Caleb decided to share the loss with you by selling his shares. After considering, I choose to give Caleb back his share because he is innocent. In addition, I have chosen Caleb to replace Kennedy as the GM for the European department.
Kennedy: (Staring) What?

Caleb: Dad, but…
Fiona: Dad, are you sure?
Baoqing: It’s hard for Kennedy.
Won Xin: My decision is final! From now, Caleb is officially the GM of the European department. Kennedy will be the vice-GM.

In the pub

Dick: Kennedy, we can’t change the fact, right. I can tell that your Dad is grooming your brother.
Kennedy: Just a small mistake and they strip me off my post. He is my dad, how can he do that? I don’t know if I’m his son. How can a dad to be so ruthless?
Dick: If you have to blame, blame your brother. Everything is all right until he came back from Cambridge.
Kennedy: You are right. I need to take back everything. Caleb Won, watch it!

In the car to airport
Caleb: Chauffeur, stop here.
Lollipop: Hello Caleb.
Bubble Tea: Hey Caleb, it’s so nice of you to send us to the airport.
Caleb: You are welcome. Chauffeur, please drive to Margaret Drive.
Bubble Tea: Aren’t we going to the airport?
Caleb: Nope, we need to pick up Candice. She will be going Paris with me for business.
Bubble Tea: What? (Sad)

In the airport
Bubble Tea: I want to go and check the price of the perfume.
Lollipop: I’ll go and take a look at the wine.
Candice: Oh, I’ll also like to go to the perfume shop.
Caleb: Then you go with Bubble Tea.
Bubble Tea: Sorry, I feel like going to look at the price of Vodka. Sister, let’s go.
Caleb: Like that, Candice I go with you.
(Bubble Tea looks sad)

In the wine shop

Lollipop: You see, I’m correct. At the beginning, you don’t want to go with Candice. Then, when Caleb wants to go with Candice, you display such a glum face.
Bubble Tea: Yeah, you are right. I’m jealous. I like Caleb, so what? What is so good about Candice? She is talented only. I think I’m prettier than her.
Lollipop: Love is not only about being smart or pretty.

In the perfume shop
Candice: What are you looking at?
Caleb: I’m looking for a bottle of cologne for Mr. Brown.
Candice: Ha-ha. I’m looking for a brand of perfume, Guerlain.
Caleb: Isn’t it over there?
Candice: Oh ya, you have shape eyes.

In Paris
Caleb: Hey Bubble Tea, we need to rush and sign the contract with Mr. Brown. You all check in into the hotel first. Do inform me about your hotel name and the room number. I’ll look for you later on.
Candice: See you guys.

In Mr. Brown’s room
Mr. Brown: Mr. Caleb, I’ll sign the contract with you. Happy working!
Caleb: Thanks.
Candice: Thanks so much, sir!

On the street
Caleb: Finally it has come to an end!
Candice: Only for now. You are the GM now. You will have more things to do.
Caleb: Actually I feel very bad, Kennedy is still my brother.
Candice: Yes I understand.
Caleb: I have called the office. We will be given a 4 days leave. Let’s have fun here.
Candice: Anyway, your birthday is 2 days later, right?
Caleb: Ha-ha, you have peeped into my passport first?
Candice: I’m observant.

In the hotel
Bubble Tea: Hurray, Caleb has successfully signed the contract. They will be coming over. We will be going out for a meal later.
Lollipop: I think I can help you. Caleb’s birthday is 2 days later. I happen to see his personal documents just now.
Bubble Tea: I know what to do. I’m going to the supermarket to bake a cake for him.
Lollipop: Hello miss, you are in a hotel. Where on earth you can find an oven?
Bubble Tea: I can bake tiramisu. Bye-bye…

Next episode is on 23/11

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