Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Episode 7

In Independence Restaurant
Ulysses: Zhu Zai, take Mr. Won’s order.
Zhu Zai: Okay sir, what do you want?
Won Xin: Just give me the 10th item on your menu!
Zhu Zai: Okay. Bubble tea, send the order to the kitchen.
Won Xin: Hold on, I’ve a special request! I want your boss to be the chef.
(Zhu Zai & the Bao’s sisters were stunned)
Ulysses: Okay sir, but I also have a request. Please leave after you had your meal.
(10 minutes later)
Ulysses: Sir, your meal, Spanish seafood rice!
(Lollipop pulls Ulysses to a side.)
Lollipop: Boss, he is your dad. How can you do this?
Ulysses: I’m a little bit unwell, I am going into the room and rest.

Lollipop: Sorry Mr. Won, I think that boss is really not feeling well.
Won Xin: (Sigh) You don’t have to defend him. Anyway, what is your name?
Lollipop: I’m Bao Bang Bang, people call me lollipop. This is my sister, Bao Pao Pao, people call her bubble tea. This is Zhu Zai.
Won Xin: You all are nice people. I’m glad that Ulysses has such friends.
Lollipop: We also hope that both of you can reconcile.
Bubble Tea: Yes, if you need our help, feel free to approach us.
Won Xin: Yup. Anyway, next week is my birthday. My family has planned a dinner for me. Do turn up!
Lollipop: Sure, thanks for your invitation.

In Won’s Mansion
Fiona: So Ulysses isn’t willing to come?
Won Xin: Yes. He doesn’t even address me at all. He totally treated me as a customer.
Caleb: So, there isn’t anyway out?
Baoqing: Dad, I have thought of a way. Perhaps you can record what you want to say and we ask someone to send it over to Ulysses.
Won Xin: It seems to be the last resort. By the way, I got to know his friends in the restaurant.
Caleb: You mean Zhu Zai, Lollipop & Bubble Tea?
Won Xin: Yes, I have invited them to my birthday dinner.
Caleb: Ha-ha. They are very nice and funny people.
Fiona: Oh ya, where is Kennedy?
Baoqing: He is in his room, busy with the European Exhibition.
Won Xin: I can see his efforts for this exhibition, hopefully he can really do well.
Caleb: I think he will. The cabin for the exhibition will be completed in 3 days.

In Kennedy’s office
Dick: Hi Kennedy, urgent! (Ran in)
Kennedy: What happened?
Dick: You look at the contract signed by Leo and you?
Kennedy: (Reading) What???
Dick: When did Leo’s salary double?
Kennedy: I don’t know.
Dick: Was it Joey?
Kennedy: I’m positive that it didn’t. I check it when Joey sent to me. It is the price that we have offered. Let me think…
Dick: Did anymore sabotage you?
Kennedy: Oh my god, I know why. That day I picked up a call when I just received the email. I think I accidentally pressed the keyboard and added a number to the price that we offered.
Dick: Why do you make this mistake? We have already over-budgeted. Now we still need to pay more for Mr. Leo. We can’t breach the terms in the contract. We still have to pay Mr. Leo accordingly. I think you must talk to your father.

In Won Xin’s office
Won Xin: (Shouted) What? How can you commit such a mistake? We have already exceeded budget. How am I going to answer to the directors?
Caleb: Dad, I doubt Kennedy wants it to happen.
Kennedy: Sorry dad, but what can we do?
Won Xin: Sell your shares to cover it!
Caleb: Dad, is it necessary?
Won Xin: He created this problem, he should solve it himself. Then you expect me to use my money to cover?
Kennedy: (Counting) What? It means that you want to kick me out of director board?
Caleb: Dad, how about that? Since I’m the second IC, I should also bear some responsibility. We split up the cost?
Won Xin: Caleb, you really want to do it?
Caleb: I’m also partly responsible. I didn’t check the contract.
Won Xin: Okay, since you all have chosen this solution, then I’ll do it!

Outside Won Xin’s Office
Caleb: No worries! I won’t let daddy to kick you out of director board.
Kennedy: I don’t know why daddy behaves this way.
Caleb: He needs to go by the book. Don’t forget he is the CEO. He needs to answer for that.
(Ouyang Wei walked past)
Caleb: Hey Madam Ouyang…
Ouyang: Hello guys! I roughly had heard about what had happened. Sorry, I don’t mean to eavesdrop.
Kennedy: It’s okay. Sooner or later, you will know.
Ouyang: Anyway Kennedy, can you spare me around 10 minutes of your time? I want to talk to you.
Kennedy: (Look surprised) Me?
Ouyang: Yes you! Come into my office.
Kennedy: Okay then. Brother, see you later on!

In Independent Restaurant

Zhu Zai: Boss, someone asked me to pass you this tape. He asked me no matter what, you must finish watching it.
Ulysses: You don’t know who he is?
Zhu Zai: Nope, I can’t recognize him.

Content of the tape
Fiona: Hey bro, I specially prepared this video for you. No matter what, please finish watching okay?
(Ulysses: Why does sis prepare a video for me?)
Won Xin: Hey Ulysses, please let me talk. Last week you didn’t give me the chance to talk. Please listen to me. I know that you hate me. I do admit that it was my fault. I still remember when you were young, you were very angry that I accidentally threw the tie that was meant to be my present. Eventually, I actually picked the tie back from the rubbish bin. See, I’m actually wearing it now.
In addition, you should be angry with the fact that I chose to stop working with the Bell company and I indirectly caused the death of the CEO’s family. You really think that I’m that cold blooded? I do feel very bad. I pray to god every evening, hoping that I’m forgiven. I also tried my best to help the workers from Bell Company.
I don’t know if you believe what I say. I truly hope that you can forgive me. If you do, please turn up for my birthday’s dinner tomorrow night.
Fiona: I hope that you can see dad’s sincerity? Actually daddy is rather unhappy recently because Kennedy has kind of screwed up a project. Your appearance will definitely make him happy, do consider!
Ulysses: (Teary eyes) Did I blame him wrongly?
Next episode will be uploaded on 9/11

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