Friday, December 7, 2007

Episode 12

In Independence Restaurant
Zhu Zai: Hey Lollipop how is Bubble Tea?
Lollipop: She closed herself in her room last night. Boss went to tick her off yesterday. I really don’t know if she will do anything funny after that.
Ulysses walks in
Ulysses: Good morning guys.
Lollipop stares at Ulysses
Ulysses: Why are you looking at me like that?
Lollipop: I tell you what, if my sister met with any mishap, you are responsible for it!
Ulysses: Don’t hold me responsible for that! I am saying what I think it’s right. You looked at her yesterday, she is like a half-dead person.
Bubble Tea: Good morning guys…
Lollipop: Bubble Tea? (Stunned)
Zhu Zai: Are you okay?
Bubble Tea: What problem do you think I have? Hey boss, this box of tiramisu is for you. What you told me yesterday was totally a wake up call, I know that there isn’t any point for me to behave like that. I’ll be strong and carry on with life. Let’s start work!
Lollipop: Sorry about what had happened just now, boss!
(Ulysses smiles)

In Green Plain organization, Caleb’s office
Candice: Darling, you should be going to meet Mr. Julian in Tiger pub. You must go now.
Caleb: I have a good memory. You go home yourself tonight. Take care!

In Kennedy’s car
Kennedy: Dick, why do you ask me to follow my brother to Tiger pub?
Dick: Trust me! You take the packet of powder from my briefcase.
Kennedy: Sure, what is that?
Dick: That is aphrodisiac. I’ll spike your brother’s drink and let’s see what will happen.
Kennedy: Are you serious?

In Tiger’s pub
Caleb: Mr. Julian, let’s talk about our purchase of spare parts first?
Julian: Relax bro, let’s have some fun with the girls here.
Caleb: Mr. Julian, I don’t do such things.
Julian: You haven’t tried, right? You should try. Lily, entertain our Mr. Won.
Lily: Mr. Won, I’m good. You should believe me. Have a drink first.
Caleb: (Unwillingly) Okay, thanks.

Outside the room
Dick: This Lily, I have paid her $50,000. She will ensure everything is done nicely.
Kennedy: What did you ask her to do?
Dick: Very simple, just accept whatever your brother is going to do to her later and tape it down.
Kennedy: As in you ask Lily to go on bed with my brother?
Dick: Yes. You may think that your brother is a gentleman and he won’t do it? I do consider this, that’s why I spiked his drug with aphrodisiac. Nothing will go wrong, trust me! Let’s go! Lily will contact me tomorrow.

Few hours later

Julian: Mr. Won, I chat with you again another day.
Caleb: Okay. Let’s have fun with the girls tonight.
Julian: You will take Lily.
Caleb: Ha-ha, okay no problem!
Lily: Boss, where do you want to go?
Caleb: You are mine tonight. What do you think?
Lily: There is a motel here, let’s go!

Next day in the motel
Caleb: Lily, sorry about that. I don’t mean it.
Lily: Admit it if you have the guts to do it! Never mind, we are adults. I don’t mind.
Caleb: It’s not about that.
Lily: Then what is it about? I’m fine with it. I need to go back, take care.

In Ouyang’s office
Ouyang: Kennedy, good job! At least you have something in your hand, but don’t use it anyhow. It’s our trump card. Do you feel comfortable doing it?
Kennedy: Erm…
Ouyang: I can tell you aren’t. Never mind, take your time. You have a long time to learn.

In Caleb’s office

Candice: Darling, Mr. Julian is going for a trip and he will be back in 1 week’s time. I have fixed an appointment with his secretary already.
(Caleb is looking in the sky)
Candice: Darling? Darling!(Shouted)
Caleb: What?
Candice: Are you okay? You are totally blurred today. In the morning, Joey asked you for a file, and you gave her the wrong one.
Caleb: Perhaps I’m just too tired.
Candice: What did you do last night? Did you play with the girls?
Caleb: (Defensive) No, no!
Candice: Just joking with you man. I doubt you dare to do it, if not…
Caleb: What?
Candice: Don’t need to say, it won’t happen. Anyway, Uncle asked you to be home for dinner tonight because Aunt Ying’s daughter Joyce is back from Italy.
Caleb: Then I have to contact my brother?
Candice: I did it on your behalf already. He gets the message.

In Won’s mansion
Fiona: What is taking Aunt Ying for so long?
Baoqing: Dear, why are you so anxious?
Fiona: I’m just hungry. She says that she will buy some dishes back.
Kennedy: Brother, are you anxious?
Ulysses: Why should I?
Fiona: Your old flame is back!
Ulysses: What are you talking of?
Candice: Yes, you should grab your chance, then Uncle Won will have a cup of tea from his daughter-in-law. Am I right Caleb? Caleb?
Caleb: What?
Candice: You are daydreaming today.
Ulysses: You are right, but he should have his daughter-in-law’s cup of tea from our Miss Candice first.
(Door is opening)
Aunt Ying: Hello, I’m back.
Joyce: Good evening everyone.
(Ulysses is mesmerized by her)
Fiona: You have changed a lot, you are beautiful!

Next episode will be uploaded on 11/12

Friday, November 30, 2007

Episode 11

In Won’s mansion
Won Xin: Hey Caleb, how is the trip?
Caleb: Hmm… Not bad. We have clinched the deal.
Fiona: I heard that Candice & you…
Caleb: I believe brother has told you already.
Won Xin: Really? Bring her back for dinner one day.
Caleb: Not so soon I believed. She is very shy.

Kennedy walks out from his room

Kennedy: Hey bro, you have a girlfriend already?
Caleb: Yes.
Kennedy: That’s good, unlike me! I just broke up with my girlfriend.
Caleb: Oh sorry.
Kennedy: It’s not your fault. I go and sleep. Good night!

In Caleb’s office
Candice: Hey dear, you need to meet Mr. Julian in Tiger Pub on Friday.
Caleb: Tiger Pub?
Candice: You aren’t that comfortable with the idea of going to a pub?
Caleb: I’m afraid that you will…
Candice: Yes, I am afraid that those girls there will seduce you. I have confidence in you. Anyway, did you contact Bubble Tea and find out what had happened to her?
Caleb: I tried to contact her via my brother. It seems that she is always busy.
Candice: Okay, we try and look for her.

In Kennedy’s office
Dick: Everything is okay?
Kennedy: What can I do? I’m really unlucky. The dear brother of mine is so lucky. I don’t deny the fact that I’m jealous.
Dick: Anyway, what do you think about Candice? She is really hot.
Kennedy: Yup, she is. Well, she is my brother’s girlfriend.
Dick: Why not? As long as she isn’t married, or as long as she is still alive, you still stand a chance.
Kennedy: What do you have in mind?
Dick: You can…

Someone knocks on the door
Joey: Mr. Won, Madam Ouyang is looking for you
Dick: Then I go out first.
Ouyang: Hey Kennedy, have you made a decision?
Kennedy: As in assisting you to get power in Green plain organization?
Ouyang: Do you need me to remind you about that?
Kennedy: Okay!
Ouyang: You have no choice. Your shares in the organization are just enough to make you stay in the director board. I can help you to secure your position. Don’t forget to include Tan.
Kennedy: You need me to go against my family?
Ouyang: Yes! Do they treat you as your family? Remember how they “helped” you?
Kennedy: So who should I target first?
Ouyang: Firstly, it’s your brother, Caleb. Try to distract him from work. You can ask Dick to help you. He should have something in mind.

In Independent Restaurant
Ulysses: Where is Bubble Tea?
Lollipop: She is on MC.
Zhu Zai: She is on MC for like 1 week already. I haven’t seen her since she came back from Paris. Is she really that sick?
Ulysses: Hey Candice, where is Caleb?
Candice: Your dear brother is parking his car.
Ulysses: You take a seat first.
Caleb: Hey brother…
Ulysses: Caleb, how is your trip? It should be very fun and memorable.
Caleb: Don’t tease me! Anyway, is Bubble Tea okay?
Ulysses: She hasn’t been going to work since she came back from Paris.
Candice: Is she sick? I think we go and pay her a visit.
Lollipop: I don’t think it’s necessary. She won’t see anyone.
Ulysses: Lollipop, can you come over for a while?

At a corner
Ulysses: Bubble Tea is not sick, right?
Lollipop: Don’t you believe me?
Ulysses: She is just hiding. Something happened in Paris, right?
Lollipop: Don’t ask me anything about it. I know nuts.
Ulysses: You know nuts?
Lollipop: Stop asking me!

At Bubble Tea’s house
Ulysses: Bubble Tea, come out! I know you are inside. You think that you can avoid everything? You can’t avoid for life.
Lollipop: Boss, can you don’t pester my sister and give her a break?
Ulysses: I don’t know what problem you have encountered but do you know you have to overcome it? If you can’t solve such a minor thing, how do you succeed in life? Please come back. Independent Restaurant won’t be complete without you. You think about it.

Bubble Tea comes out
Bubble Tea: Boss, do you understand how I’m feeling now? The guy whom I like is dating somebody else.
Ulysses: What? You like Caleb?
Bubble Tea: Why can’t I?
Ulysses: I didn’t say that you cannot like my brother. You look at yourself now. You hide here for 1 week and don’t go out. What is it for? You are no match to Candice now!
Lollipop: Boss, enough!
Ulysses: I miss the jovial Bubble Tea. Everyone in the restaurant misses that. I hope that you can get over this and resume your work as soon as possible. Remember, Independence Restaurant won’t be complete with you, Bubble Tea! You think about it!

Next episode will be uploaded on 4/12

Friday, November 23, 2007

Episode 10

Episode 10
In a restaurant in Paris
Bubble Tea: The food here is really great.
Lollipop: Yes Candice, this is really good. How do you know about this restaurant?
Candice: Well, I have read about this restaurant on the magazine.
Caleb: Not too bad. Hold on, let me pick up a call. Hello sister, what? Dad has been admitted into the hospital? He fell at home? All right, do update me!
Bubble Tea: How is uncle?
Caleb: He fell at home and fainted. He is now in the A&E. I still don’t know what his condition is. You all eat first. I will be going to the park nearby. Leave me alone.
(Everyone looks at one another)
Back in the hotel
Lollipop: Dear Miss Bao Pao Pao, so you are making your tiramisu?
Bubble Tea: Yes. Now is like 10pm already, I must rush to the park to be the first one to wish Caleb a happy birthday and cut the cake with him.
Lollipop: Make sure it’s a good one. From last night till now, this is like your 8th attempt. Bubble Tea: Don’t be sarcastic! Though I’m not as talented as Candice in languages, I’m better than her in baking cake and caring for others.

In Candice’s room
Candice: It is like 11.30pm now. Let me make a card and write something on it and bring it to Caleb. Hope that I can brighten him up.

15 minutes later
Candice: Okay. I should go now.

2 minutes later
Lollipop: Bubble Tea, you are going? Good luck!

In Candice’s taxi
Candice: Sir, do you know the way? I need to be there in 10 minutes. Oh my god, my taxi has a flat tyre.
In Bubble Tea’s taxi
Bubble Tea: Sir, can you drive faster? What? Candice is in front of me. Pass the stationary taxi in front!
(Candice’s taxi is overtaken)
Bubble Tea: Good, I can be there before Candice.

In Candice’s taxi
Candice: I can walk to the park from here?
Taxi driver: Yes, just make a left in front. You will reach there.

In Bubble Tea’s taxi
Bubble Tea: Hope that Candice won’t make it there. Ha-ha!

In the park
(Caleb is walking around)
Candice: Caleb, happy birthday!

In Bubble Tea’s taxi
Bubble: Oh my god, my taxi driver has overshot the location and he is making a U-turn. Fast!

In the park
Caleb: Your card is really lovely.
Candice: It’s just a little effort of mine. We just hope that Uncle will be all right. Oh my god, it’s really cold here.
Caleb: This time unlike few months back, I’m not wearing any jacket.
Candice: Oh, I haven’t returned you your jacket yet. We have been too busy that time.
(Caleb is looking at Candice)
Candice: Does my face have something? Anyway, your hand phone is ringing
Caleb: Hello sister, what? Dad is okay? He can be discharged tomorrow?
Candice: That’s good for you Caleb.
Caleb: Good! Hurray!(Held Candice’s hands) Oops, sorry!
Candice: It’s okay. Actually, we have known each other for like 1 year already? What do you think about me?
Caleb: You are a helpful and sweet girl. I really feel comfortable with you than any other girls. Actually……
Candice: (Blushed) What do you want to say?
Caleb: Actually I want to say, can I be your boyfriend?
Candice: What?
Caleb: Never mind, just treat that I wasn’t talking just now.
Candice: Well, I’m cold now. I need my boyfriend to hold my hand and hug me.
Caleb: You mean it?
(Caleb hugs Candice)
(Bubble Tea ran in)
Bubble Tea: The taxi driver is a con. Thank god it’s now 11.58pm. I’m still on time. (He saw Caleb and Candice)
Bubble Tea: I can’t believe it. (Drop the box of tiramisu on the floor & cry) Caleb Won, I can’t believe that you are doing this to me.

In the hotel room
Lollipop: Don’t feel sad Bubble Tea.
Bubble Tea: (Still crying) Do you understand how I feel when you see the guy you like hugging another girl?
Lollipop: I tell you already, don’t put high hope! Candice & Caleb meet almost everyday.
Bubble Tea: Enough! Sister, let’s pack our luggage. I want to leave Paris now.
Lollipop: What?
Bubble Tea: Yes. I forget to tell you. I have booked air tickets for tomorrow 7am flight back to Singapore.
Lollipop: Isn’t it too rash of you?
Bubble Tea: I don’t care. I just want to leave here. People say that Paris is the city of romance. It’s so sarcastic! I’ll never come to Paris anymore.

Next morning
Hotel staff: Good morning, is this Mr. Caleb?
Caleb: Yes.
Hotel staff: Just to inform you that the 2 Miss Baos have flew back to Singapore this morning.
Caleb: What?
Candice: Perhaps they have something urgent. We contact them when we go back Singapore tomorrow.

On the plane
Lollipop: Are you okay?
Bubble Tea: I won’t come back to Paris anymore. I hate this place. Candice, I never thought that there would be a day that I lose to you.

Next episode will be posted on 27/11

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Episode 9

In Independent Restaurant
Ulysses: Hey Bubble Tea, I got this list of French phrases for you.
Bubble Tea: Thanks boss.
Zhu Zai: So when are you all flying off?
Bubble Tea: 3 days later.
Ulysses: Wait, are you all taking the night flight?
Lollipop: Wow boss, you have the 6th sense?
Ulysses: Nope, because my brother is also taking that flight. He needs to do some business over there.
Lollipop: Okay.

In the car
Lollipop: Hey sister, what do you want to buy in France?
(Bubble Tea is thinking and smiling)
Lollipop: Why are you so engrossed? You have been smiling since early in the morning.
Bubble Tea: I’m just happy.
Lollipop: Don’t try to trick me. I have been living with you for so many years. You have a crush on Caleb, right?
Bubble Tea: Don’t talk rot! (Acting shy)
Lollipop: I still remember that time, when Caleb came to the restaurant with his secretary Candice, you looked so pissed.
Bubble Tea: Yea, right!
(Telephone rings)
Bubble Tea: Hello Caleb. Yes, boss has told me that you are traveling to Paris 3 days later.
Caleb: Yes, so I pick up you and your sister at 8pm 3 days later.
Bubble Tea: Thank you, ha-ha! See you then.
Lollipop: I didn’t malign you, right.

In Green Plain Organisation Conference Room
Won Xin: This time round, our European Conference is a success. We manage to get more projects from foreign companies. It’s estimated to have an increase of 25% in profit.
(Everybody applauds)
Won Xin: However, I cannot accept a mistake made by our director, who is also the GM for the European Department (Yell). Kennedy, you must explain to the others.
Kennedy: I admit it’s my mistake that I didn’t check the contract that we signed it with Mr. Leo.
Won Xin: Do you think the other directors can accept this as an excuse? You know how much we lost because of your mistake? You are lucky, Caleb decided to share the loss with you by selling his shares. After considering, I choose to give Caleb back his share because he is innocent. In addition, I have chosen Caleb to replace Kennedy as the GM for the European department.
Kennedy: (Staring) What?

Caleb: Dad, but…
Fiona: Dad, are you sure?
Baoqing: It’s hard for Kennedy.
Won Xin: My decision is final! From now, Caleb is officially the GM of the European department. Kennedy will be the vice-GM.

In the pub

Dick: Kennedy, we can’t change the fact, right. I can tell that your Dad is grooming your brother.
Kennedy: Just a small mistake and they strip me off my post. He is my dad, how can he do that? I don’t know if I’m his son. How can a dad to be so ruthless?
Dick: If you have to blame, blame your brother. Everything is all right until he came back from Cambridge.
Kennedy: You are right. I need to take back everything. Caleb Won, watch it!

In the car to airport
Caleb: Chauffeur, stop here.
Lollipop: Hello Caleb.
Bubble Tea: Hey Caleb, it’s so nice of you to send us to the airport.
Caleb: You are welcome. Chauffeur, please drive to Margaret Drive.
Bubble Tea: Aren’t we going to the airport?
Caleb: Nope, we need to pick up Candice. She will be going Paris with me for business.
Bubble Tea: What? (Sad)

In the airport
Bubble Tea: I want to go and check the price of the perfume.
Lollipop: I’ll go and take a look at the wine.
Candice: Oh, I’ll also like to go to the perfume shop.
Caleb: Then you go with Bubble Tea.
Bubble Tea: Sorry, I feel like going to look at the price of Vodka. Sister, let’s go.
Caleb: Like that, Candice I go with you.
(Bubble Tea looks sad)

In the wine shop

Lollipop: You see, I’m correct. At the beginning, you don’t want to go with Candice. Then, when Caleb wants to go with Candice, you display such a glum face.
Bubble Tea: Yeah, you are right. I’m jealous. I like Caleb, so what? What is so good about Candice? She is talented only. I think I’m prettier than her.
Lollipop: Love is not only about being smart or pretty.

In the perfume shop
Candice: What are you looking at?
Caleb: I’m looking for a bottle of cologne for Mr. Brown.
Candice: Ha-ha. I’m looking for a brand of perfume, Guerlain.
Caleb: Isn’t it over there?
Candice: Oh ya, you have shape eyes.

In Paris
Caleb: Hey Bubble Tea, we need to rush and sign the contract with Mr. Brown. You all check in into the hotel first. Do inform me about your hotel name and the room number. I’ll look for you later on.
Candice: See you guys.

In Mr. Brown’s room
Mr. Brown: Mr. Caleb, I’ll sign the contract with you. Happy working!
Caleb: Thanks.
Candice: Thanks so much, sir!

On the street
Caleb: Finally it has come to an end!
Candice: Only for now. You are the GM now. You will have more things to do.
Caleb: Actually I feel very bad, Kennedy is still my brother.
Candice: Yes I understand.
Caleb: I have called the office. We will be given a 4 days leave. Let’s have fun here.
Candice: Anyway, your birthday is 2 days later, right?
Caleb: Ha-ha, you have peeped into my passport first?
Candice: I’m observant.

In the hotel
Bubble Tea: Hurray, Caleb has successfully signed the contract. They will be coming over. We will be going out for a meal later.
Lollipop: I think I can help you. Caleb’s birthday is 2 days later. I happen to see his personal documents just now.
Bubble Tea: I know what to do. I’m going to the supermarket to bake a cake for him.
Lollipop: Hello miss, you are in a hotel. Where on earth you can find an oven?
Bubble Tea: I can bake tiramisu. Bye-bye…

Next episode is on 23/11

Friday, November 9, 2007

Episode 8

In Independent Restaurant
Lollipop: Boss, do listen to me. I can tell that your daddy really wants you to go back. Perhaps I don’t know everything about the feud between the two of you. Trust me, your daddy really loves you.
Bubble Tea: Yes, you still have the chance to eat with your daddy. For my sister and me, we don’t even have the chance. My parents have already passed away (Cried)
Zhu Zai: (Grab a box of tissue) Don’t think about it already. At least you have great friends like us now.
Ulysses: Okay then, let’s go for my dad’s birthday dinner tomorrow.
Bubble Tea: Hurray!

In Won’s Mansion
Won Xin: Don’t know if Ulysses is coming back today?
Fiona: Dad, we have tried our best. Lollipops, Bubble Tea & Zhu Zai are helping us. I had asked them to pass him the video.
(Doorbell rings)
Baoqing: Aunt Ying, answer the door.
Aunt Ying: Hello! Oh my god, 2nd Young Master.
Ulysses: Aunt Ying!
Won Xin: (Ran to the door) Ulysses!
Ulysses: Dad!
Won Xin: I’m so scared that you won’t come and celebrate my birthday with me.
Ulysses: Don’t talk first, dad. This is a tie from me. Happy birthday!
Bubble Tea: Happy birthday uncle! This is a bottle of old wine from the three of us.
Caleb: Hey everyone, let’s eat!

At the dining table

Zhu Zai: Wow, the food looks delicious.
Lollipop: All the dishes are boss’s favourite.
Won Xin: These are all your favourite dishes. You haven’t been back for years, try them. Let’s see if they still taste as nice as before.
Ulysses: (Have a bite) Aunt Ying, it is even better now.
Kennedy: Everybody let’s eat! Dad, try the Thai Chicken.(Serve his dad)
Won Xin: Ulysses, take the chicken. I don’t feel like eating it today.
Ulysses: Erm… Okay then.
(Kennedy looks uncomfortable)
Kennedy: Everybody, I’m feeling unwell. I’m going back and rest.
Ulysses: What have happened?
Caleb: Something major had cropped up in our organization. Brother, tonight is a happy day. Don’t talk about it.

In the balcony (Won Xin chats with Ulysses)
Ulysses: Dad, how is your health?
Won Xin: I’ve mild hypertension. I just have to eat my medicine regularly.
Ulysses: Dad, I’m sorry about the past.
Won Xin: It’s okay. I’m at fault too. I didn’t spend time with you. I didn’t know that you don’t want to work in Green Plain Organisation, yet I still forced you. Anyway, how is your restaurant.
Ulysses: It’s getting better. I have just opened the second outlet. I have Zhu Zai & the Bao’s sister to assist me. I heard from Caleb that he is busy with a European Exhibition.
Won Xin: Yes, it’s tomorrow. Do you want to take a look?
Ulysses: Sure, how is it?
Won Xin: It didn’t have a smooth start because we over-budgeted. Recently, Kennedy made a major mistake by increasing the salary of our designer accidentally. I forced him to pay with his shares but Caleb was willing to split up the extra cost.
Ulysses: Actually you can ask me to sell my shares. Though I’m in the director board, but I don’t go for the meeting.
Won Xin: Kennedy needs to learn a lesson, you don’t need to be so nice to him.
Ulysses: No wonder he was in a bad mood just now.
Won Xin: So do you want to move part and live?
Ulysses: I’m rather busy now with my restaurant, so I don’t have time to move house. I won’t move back so soon, but I’ll move back.

In European Exhibition
Caleb: Candice, how is it?
Candice: Oh my god! I’ve been talking for hours in 4 different languages to the foreign investors. You know what, I spoke German to a Dutch just now.
Caleb: Haha, okay!
Aunt Huan: Vice GM, more and more countries are willing to do business with us. It’s really a good sign. By the way, everyone is praising about the air cabin design.
Kennedy: Yes. It makes you feel as if you are on the plane. That is so real. Mr. Leo is really a good designer.
Caleb: We really pay him a lot.
Kennedy: What are you trying to imply?
Candice: Vice GM, I need your help, please come over.
Caleb: What do you need help in?
Candice: (Pull Caleb) There is, come with me. We have no time to spare.

Candice: Caleb, why are you so blurred? I’m hinting you to take cover. Don’t you know how fuming is GM when you bring up this?
Caleb: Well, I don’t really mean it!
Candice: We don’t argue about it. Let’s finish up the exhibition as soon as possible. Only 5 more hours.

In the car park
Caleb: Candice, where are you going?
Candice: Home, I need to take a bus. My car is sent for maintenance.
Caleb: I give you a lift.
Candice: Oh ok., thanks!

In the car
Caleb: Candice, thanks for your hard work.
Candice: You don’t have to mention it. I’m not doing it for free.
Caleb: We can finally take a break.
Candice: Not yet. Don’t forget we need to carry on with the purchase of planes with Mr. Brown.
Caleb: Oh ya, we need to go America, right?
Candice: Nope, in Paris. Mr. Brown is in Paris when we meet him. Oh by the way, I remember you saying that you have a friend going Paris right?
Caleb: Yes, actually you know them. They are the Bao’s sisters.

Next episode will be uploaded on 13/11

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Episode 7

In Independence Restaurant
Ulysses: Zhu Zai, take Mr. Won’s order.
Zhu Zai: Okay sir, what do you want?
Won Xin: Just give me the 10th item on your menu!
Zhu Zai: Okay. Bubble tea, send the order to the kitchen.
Won Xin: Hold on, I’ve a special request! I want your boss to be the chef.
(Zhu Zai & the Bao’s sisters were stunned)
Ulysses: Okay sir, but I also have a request. Please leave after you had your meal.
(10 minutes later)
Ulysses: Sir, your meal, Spanish seafood rice!
(Lollipop pulls Ulysses to a side.)
Lollipop: Boss, he is your dad. How can you do this?
Ulysses: I’m a little bit unwell, I am going into the room and rest.

Lollipop: Sorry Mr. Won, I think that boss is really not feeling well.
Won Xin: (Sigh) You don’t have to defend him. Anyway, what is your name?
Lollipop: I’m Bao Bang Bang, people call me lollipop. This is my sister, Bao Pao Pao, people call her bubble tea. This is Zhu Zai.
Won Xin: You all are nice people. I’m glad that Ulysses has such friends.
Lollipop: We also hope that both of you can reconcile.
Bubble Tea: Yes, if you need our help, feel free to approach us.
Won Xin: Yup. Anyway, next week is my birthday. My family has planned a dinner for me. Do turn up!
Lollipop: Sure, thanks for your invitation.

In Won’s Mansion
Fiona: So Ulysses isn’t willing to come?
Won Xin: Yes. He doesn’t even address me at all. He totally treated me as a customer.
Caleb: So, there isn’t anyway out?
Baoqing: Dad, I have thought of a way. Perhaps you can record what you want to say and we ask someone to send it over to Ulysses.
Won Xin: It seems to be the last resort. By the way, I got to know his friends in the restaurant.
Caleb: You mean Zhu Zai, Lollipop & Bubble Tea?
Won Xin: Yes, I have invited them to my birthday dinner.
Caleb: Ha-ha. They are very nice and funny people.
Fiona: Oh ya, where is Kennedy?
Baoqing: He is in his room, busy with the European Exhibition.
Won Xin: I can see his efforts for this exhibition, hopefully he can really do well.
Caleb: I think he will. The cabin for the exhibition will be completed in 3 days.

In Kennedy’s office
Dick: Hi Kennedy, urgent! (Ran in)
Kennedy: What happened?
Dick: You look at the contract signed by Leo and you?
Kennedy: (Reading) What???
Dick: When did Leo’s salary double?
Kennedy: I don’t know.
Dick: Was it Joey?
Kennedy: I’m positive that it didn’t. I check it when Joey sent to me. It is the price that we have offered. Let me think…
Dick: Did anymore sabotage you?
Kennedy: Oh my god, I know why. That day I picked up a call when I just received the email. I think I accidentally pressed the keyboard and added a number to the price that we offered.
Dick: Why do you make this mistake? We have already over-budgeted. Now we still need to pay more for Mr. Leo. We can’t breach the terms in the contract. We still have to pay Mr. Leo accordingly. I think you must talk to your father.

In Won Xin’s office
Won Xin: (Shouted) What? How can you commit such a mistake? We have already exceeded budget. How am I going to answer to the directors?
Caleb: Dad, I doubt Kennedy wants it to happen.
Kennedy: Sorry dad, but what can we do?
Won Xin: Sell your shares to cover it!
Caleb: Dad, is it necessary?
Won Xin: He created this problem, he should solve it himself. Then you expect me to use my money to cover?
Kennedy: (Counting) What? It means that you want to kick me out of director board?
Caleb: Dad, how about that? Since I’m the second IC, I should also bear some responsibility. We split up the cost?
Won Xin: Caleb, you really want to do it?
Caleb: I’m also partly responsible. I didn’t check the contract.
Won Xin: Okay, since you all have chosen this solution, then I’ll do it!

Outside Won Xin’s Office
Caleb: No worries! I won’t let daddy to kick you out of director board.
Kennedy: I don’t know why daddy behaves this way.
Caleb: He needs to go by the book. Don’t forget he is the CEO. He needs to answer for that.
(Ouyang Wei walked past)
Caleb: Hey Madam Ouyang…
Ouyang: Hello guys! I roughly had heard about what had happened. Sorry, I don’t mean to eavesdrop.
Kennedy: It’s okay. Sooner or later, you will know.
Ouyang: Anyway Kennedy, can you spare me around 10 minutes of your time? I want to talk to you.
Kennedy: (Look surprised) Me?
Ouyang: Yes you! Come into my office.
Kennedy: Okay then. Brother, see you later on!

In Independent Restaurant

Zhu Zai: Boss, someone asked me to pass you this tape. He asked me no matter what, you must finish watching it.
Ulysses: You don’t know who he is?
Zhu Zai: Nope, I can’t recognize him.

Content of the tape
Fiona: Hey bro, I specially prepared this video for you. No matter what, please finish watching okay?
(Ulysses: Why does sis prepare a video for me?)
Won Xin: Hey Ulysses, please let me talk. Last week you didn’t give me the chance to talk. Please listen to me. I know that you hate me. I do admit that it was my fault. I still remember when you were young, you were very angry that I accidentally threw the tie that was meant to be my present. Eventually, I actually picked the tie back from the rubbish bin. See, I’m actually wearing it now.
In addition, you should be angry with the fact that I chose to stop working with the Bell company and I indirectly caused the death of the CEO’s family. You really think that I’m that cold blooded? I do feel very bad. I pray to god every evening, hoping that I’m forgiven. I also tried my best to help the workers from Bell Company.
I don’t know if you believe what I say. I truly hope that you can forgive me. If you do, please turn up for my birthday’s dinner tomorrow night.
Fiona: I hope that you can see dad’s sincerity? Actually daddy is rather unhappy recently because Kennedy has kind of screwed up a project. Your appearance will definitely make him happy, do consider!
Ulysses: (Teary eyes) Did I blame him wrongly?
Next episode will be uploaded on 9/11

Friday, November 2, 2007

Episode 6

In Green Plain Organisation conference room, a meeting between directors
Won Xin: The reason for me to hold this meeting is to discuss about the budget for the European Exhibition. I understand from the European department that you all have exceeded the budget.
Kennedy: Yes dad, we have to employ the world famous designer, Mr. Leo to assist in the design of the exhibition hall. Everybody, please take a look at the file. We really need Mr. Leo because he had done such a design of an airplane cabin.
Ouyang: I understand that you all need to attract the foreign investors. However, is it necessary?
Caleb: Yes, in our list of invited guest, there are still a number of them who are still considering if they want to turn up because they can’t find the attractive point of our exhibition.
Won Xin: Okay, I will give you all the green light. We will transfer more funds for you all. Remember, don’t screw up! (Serious)

In the European Exhibition meeting
Kennedy: Joey, take down the minutes for the meeting. I’ll start off. After discussion with Aunt Huan, vice GM and Du Lang, we choose to employ Leo as the designer for the cabin. We can look at the calculated cost for this exhibition done by Du Lang. We have exceeded the budget by 3%. We have brought up to the director board. They have agreed to this with 1 condition---we can’t screw it up.
Caleb: So who is responsible for employing Leo?
Dick: Vice GM, it’s me. He had agreed to the original price and we would pay him accordingly. He’ll be coming over tomorrow to discuss with us, regarding the design of the airplane cabin.
Aunt Huan: Our time is running short. The power-point slides are done. Once Leo has settled the design, our exhibition will be okay.

In Won’s mansion
Won Xin: Caleb & Kennedy, way to go! You all are doing well, keep it up!
Caleb & Kennedy: Thanks dad! (Happily)
Aunt Ying: Master, I need to apply 2 days leave 2 weeks later.
Fiona: Are you going for a holiday?
Aunt Ying: No, madam. My daughter is coming back from Italy. I need to fetch her and settle some stuffs with her.
Caleb: You mean Joyce?
Aunt Ying: (Smile) Yes. She studied in Rome for 3 years already. She would be coming back to further her career.
Won Xin: Little Joyce ah? I still remembered that when u all were young, Ying would bring her over to play with Fiona they all. It seemed to be yesterday. Time really flies.
Fiona: Yes, I still remember. Last time, when she was in primary school, she would come over to do homework and we would help each other.
Kennedy: Yes, I still remember she was really good friends with elder brother. Last time we all still teased them that they were together, and then…… (Caleb tapped him and asked him to stop talking.) Erm… Sorry!
Won Xin: So Ying, you take the leave. Remember to bring Joyce back for dinner one day!
Fiona: So daddy, have you considered what I suggested to you, regarding your birthday dinner that time?
Won Xin: (Act blur) Let’s eat!

In Kennedy’s office
Joey: GM, please take a look at the contract in your e-mail that will be signed by Mr. Leo later on.
Kennedy: Okay, no problem! What time will he be coming?
Joey: After lunch! GM, I go out first.
(Kennedy logs into his email, then he receives a call)
Kennedy: Hello, yes! Hello Mr. Tyler, how is life in Geneva? Ok… (Talk to you next time, bye!
Okay, I’ll print it out.

After lunch, in European department conference room
Joey: Let’s invite our GM Mr. Kennedy Won & Mr. Leo Li to sign the contract.
Leo: (Talk softly) They are really generous in the offering of money. They even double the pay which I ask for.
(Mr. Leo & Kennedy shake hand)
Kennedy: Mr. Leo, hope that we will have a happy working together!
Leo: Hope so, Mr. Won.

Back in Won’s mansion, in Won Xin’s bedroom
Won Xin looked at the old photos
Won Xin: They all have grown up already.
Flashback (When Ulysses was in primary school)
Won Xin: Ulysses, you are back from school?
Ulysses: Yes, daddy. (Holding on a box) Daddy, happy birthday! I bought you a tie.
Won Xin: I’m busy now. You put on the table.
Ulysses: (Glum) Okay then.

Ulysses: (Angry) Daddy, why do you throw the tie into the rubbish bin?
Won Xin: I don’t mean it. Sorry!
Ulysses: (Cry) I don’t care, you don’t treasure my gift. I hate you, daddy!

(When Ulysses completes his university)
Ulysses: I don’t want to enter Green Plain Organisation.
Won Xin: You have to, you are my son!
Ulysses: (Shouted) I hate the way you do business. You choose to stop working with Bell Company and because of that, they declare bankrupt and many people suffer. Do you know the CEO and his family committed suicide?
Won Xin: I didn’t foresee it, but this is a part of business.
Ulysses: I won’t work with you.
Won Xin: Okay, you step out of the mansion and don’t come back anymore!

Back to the present
Won Xin: (Took out the tie from his wardrobe) Is Fiona right? The only way to ask him back is to make a trip to his restaurant by myself?

In Independent Restaurant
Zhu Zai: Hey bubble tea, do you want to go for a movie later?
Bubble tea: Hmm… You want to date me? I still don’t know about my schedule.
Zhu Zai: Then it’s okay.
Lollipop: Zhu Zai, come over. This sister of mine isn’t easy to woo. You must try hard. I feel that she has somebody in her heart already. So you really have to try your best.
Ulysses: Hey guys, I know we are knocking off in 20 minutes but these 20 minutes you don’t need to work?
Lollipop: Oops, we start working.
Won Xin enters the restaurant
Won Xin: Ulysses!
Zhu Zai: Mr. Won!
Ulysses: Sir, how many people?
Won Xin: (Shocked) 1 person!
Ulysses: Lollipop, take his order.
Lollipop: Huh?
Ulysses: Do I need to speak in another language?

(Next episode will be uploaded on 6/11)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Episode 5

In Independent Restaurant
Fiona: So, will you be going for the dinner?
Ulysses: Sister, please don’t make things difficult for me. I don’t want to meet daddy.
Fiona:(Shake head) You see, you still regard him as your dad. Father and sons won’t bear any grudges. Daddy is getting old, just give in to him. It has been years already. Just forgive and forget, my dear brother.
Ulysses: Hey guys, let’s eat!
Caleb: Brother…
Ulysses: I’m in a good mood today. Don’t spoil my mood!
(Caleb, Fiona & Kennedy looked at one another)

In Won’s Mansion
Won Xin: So it looks like he doesn’t want to turn up for my birthday dinner?
Fiona: Sadly to say, yes! Last night, the 3 of us went for a dinner with him. He just wanted to avoid it.
Won Xin: It seems that our relationship will persist like that.
Fiona: (Smile) No, dad. I grow up with Ulysses. He does care for you. There is still a way actually.
Won Xin: What idea do you have?
Fiona: You go and look for him, then…
Won Xin: (Shouted) No way Fiona!
Fiona: Dad, listen to me!
Won Xin: How can the father beg the son?
Fiona: Dad, please listen to me first. You have been wanting to have a family reunion. You just go and talk to Ulysses if you want. I think this is the best way.
Won Xin: Let me consider.

In Caleb’s office
Candice: Good morning boss!
Caleb: Hey Candice, I have some questions to ask you.
Candice: Is it regarding the European exhibition?
Caleb: Nope, my brother told me that he has a friend who is going Paris, so he hoped that you can write a list of commonly used French.
Candice: Do I get OT pay for that?
Caleb: You have been my secretary for few months, are you so particular about this?
Candice: (Pretend) Yes, I’m very particular.
Caleb: I give you a gift then (Digging his drawer)
(Candice is looking into the drawer)
Caleb: De-deng, ha-ha!
Candice: Is this box of half-used tissue paper my gift? (Puzzled)
Caleb: Yes take it, Miss Candice Kwek! (Laugh)
Candice: Okay then. I won’t help you.
(Someone knocks on the door)
Aunt Huan: Good morning vice-GM, can I discuss with you regarding the exhibition?
Caleb: Okay.
Aunt Huan: I have edited the power point slides and sent to GM & your email account.
Caleb: I have seen it already. I approve. I’ll ask Candice to translate it.
Aunt Huan: Okay, that’s good. So regarding the design of the exhibition hall?
Caleb: I admit that the idea of building an airplane cabin is good and attractive. Well, to employ him, we really have to pay a lot.
Aunt Huan: That’s what I’m thinking too. I think we really have to finalise the idea. If we choose to abandon this idea, we need to come up with something else.
Caleb: GM & I will make a decision regarding this.
(Aunt Huan went out)
Caleb: Candice, let’s go.
Candice: (Throwing tantrums) I’m just your secretary, not your slave. I don’t need to follow all the instructions what are given by you.
Caleb: If somebody doesn’t want to go for a Japanese lunch which is free, then she can stay here.
Candice: Wait! I go and grab my handbag.

In the Japanese restaurant
Caleb: So please don’t say that I bully you.
Candice: I didn’t expect a Cambridge student to have such a good sense of humour.
Caleb: You shouldn’t have such a stereotype.
Candice: Ha-ha. Hold on, let me pick up a call. Hello, what? You can’t go for the concerts? I help you to get hold of the tickets already. Forget it, bye!
Caleb: Are you talking about the concert performed by a band from Ireland?
Candice: You know about it?
Caleb: Yeah, I missed it when I was studying in Cambridge. I wanted to buy the tickets this time round when they are in Singapore. Well, I don’t have the time to purchase.
Candice: Let’s not waste it, do you want to join me tonight?
Caleb: Sure, we’ll go after work.

After the concert, Caleb is walking Candice home
Caleb: I’m so glad that I can watch it. Thanks!
Candice: I really cannot take it that a boss says thanks to his secretary.
Caleb: Then u must have enjoyed it.
Candice: Ha-ha, a little I believe. How on earth will there be a chance that the boss will say thanks to his secretary?
Caleb: You’re thinking too much. I’m just asking whether you have enjoyed the concert.
Candice: Whatever…(Shivering)
Caleb: I think you are cold, Wear my jacket.
Candice: Thanks so much.
Caleb: Don’t mention it. Actually after working hours, you can treat me as your friend, since we know each other for quite a while. You can call me Caleb.
Candice: All right then. So during your free time, what do you like to do?
Caleb: I love sports, kayaking and tennis in particular. I often played when I was in Cambridge. I’m rather busy now, so I don’t really do sports. That’s why you see, I’m getting fatter and fatter.
Candice: Not really, you still look fitter than many guys. I play tennis too. Let’s play tennis one day.
Caleb: Maybe when we are less busy.
Candice: This is my house. Thanks for walking me home. See you tomorrow!
Caleb: Take care. (Caleb walked away)
Candice: He is quite a nice guy actually. Oh my god, I’m still wearing his jacket.
(Candice ran down the street)
Candice: Caleb…… I don’t see him.
Caleb: (In his car) Oh, I forget to take my jacket back.

To be continued
(Next episode on 2/11)

Friday, October 26, 2007

Episode 4

The Bao’s sisters with Zhu Zai in Lollipop’s car
Zhu Zai: Lollipop, thanks for sending me to Orchard.
Lollipop: We are friends for so long. Don’t mention it! It is now past midnight. If you hire a taxi, it’ll be so expensive.
Zhu Zai: Ha-ha. Bubble tea, are you okay? You haven’t been talking since evening.
Bubble Tea: (Shouted) Can you just shut up?
Zhu Zai: Okay. I’m just concerned about you, so I don’t know if you are ill or……
Bubble: (Teary eyes) I dare you to carry on talking.
Zhu Zai: (Scared) Okay, I’ll stop. Lollipop, just stop me at the bus stop. I’ll take a taxi.
Lollipop: All right. Good night.
Zhu Zai: See you in the morning.

Lollipop: Bubble tea, you have to do something about your attitude. Zhu Zai cares for you and that’s what you do to him. What had happened?
Bubble Tea: Don’t talk to me, sis.

In Green Plain Organisation conference room, a meeting between directors
Won Xin: Caleb, how are you doing in the European department?
Caleb: Dad, I’ll be meeting Mr. Brown tomorrow to discuss about the purchase of new airplanes.
Won Xin: (Satisfied) So Fiona & Baoqing, how is the American department going?
Fiona: After we increased the frequency of flights from Singapore to America last quarter, our profit has a remarkable increase of 50%.
Baoqing: In addition dad, we are in the progress of negotiating with smaller Americans’ airline. We hope to fly to more America states.
Won Xin: Do update me regarding this in the next conference!
(Baoqing nodded)
Won Xin: Kennedy, how is the preparation for the European exhibition so far?
Kennedy: We are currently planning the design for the convention hall. In addition, we are in the process of inviting the VIPs. So far, 60% of our invited guests will be attending.
Won Xin: All right, it’s not too bad! Ouyang, anything to add?
Ouyang: Yes, it’s regarding our shares. Recently, the price of our shares is increasing rather slow. From my experience, the price may start to drop.
Won Xin: I do agree with you, after looking at the trend. So what do you have in mind?
Ouyang: I think that this problem is rather minor. I believe that the price will not drop that much in this year. What we can do now is to focus on the exhibition and if it’s successful, more people will buy our shares and by then, the price will rise.
Tan: This exhibition really matters a lot. Caleb & Kennedy, don’t screw it up!

In Caleb’s office
Kennedy: Brother, I have asked Joey to prepare the PowerPoint slides. I’ll send one softcopy to Candice and you. We’ll be asking Candice to be the translator.
Caleb: That’s what I have in mind to. So we will be conducting the exhibition in Blue Convention Hall?
Kennedy: Yes. Aunt Huan, Dick & Candice went there this morning.
Aunt Huan: We had taken a look. The rental of the place is reasonable. We have decided to use the theme of a history gallery.
Dick: In addition, the design of the convention hall resembles an airplane’s cabin. We intend to employ Mr. Leo, the well-known designer in Asia. 2 years ago, he had designed an unique airplane cabin for another airline’s function. That is one of his most classic designs.
Caleb:(Thinking) Mr. Leo, I had heard about it. Isn’t it too expensive? We have limited budget.
Kennedy: I had asked Du Lang(the accountant) about that. We may exceed a little, but what I think is that this exhibition means a lot to us. Many representatives from respective major airlines will be around.
Caleb: I don’t question what you say. However, the budget we are given is already quite high, compared to other project. I don’t want to exceed budget anymore.
Kennedy:(Agitated) Don’t you want it to be done well?
Caleb: Relax Kennedy! Of course. Let’s see what we can do.

In Won’s mansion
Fiona: Dad, your birthday is around the corner. What plans do you have?
Won Xin: Don’t really have to be so grand, like my 65th birthday last year. I don’t really want a major celebration. I just hoped that it can be just a normal family dinner and everyone is around.
Baoqing: So it includes Ulysses, I believe?
Won Xin: Of course.
Fiona: Dad, actually I can tell that you still care for Ulysses right? No doubt he did quarrel with you few years back. Have you tried asking him back?
Won Xin: (Shake his head) You know your brother is such a stubborn person. When he hates someone, he really hates him. How about that Fiona, you try inviting him?
Fiona: (Hesitated) Okay, I’ll try my best. However, if I’m not successful, you must do it yourself.
Won Xin: (Laugh) How dare you to say this to your dad!

Along a street
Kennedy: Hey brother, sorry for being that harsh in your office that day.
Caleb: (Tap his shoulder) It’s okay. Everyone wants the exhibition to succeed. Perhaps we are stressed.
Kennedy: (Saw a man walking along the street) Isn’t he our elder brother?
Caleb: Yes, hey brother!
Ulysses: Hello! Hey Kennedy, long time no see!
Kennedy: The last time I saw you were 2 months ago when I went to your restaurant. Anyway, how come you are here?
Ulysses: Oh! I’m going to set up my 2nd restaurant here. I went to take a look at the shop.
Caleb: Congrats! So can I get a discount card or something?
Ulysses: Do you still need a discount card? You just come and I’ll serve you.
Caleb: How do you serve? Like how you serve a tennis ball?
Ulysses: (Looking up the sky) Lame! Oh ya, sister will be going to my restaurant tonight for dinner. Do you guys want to join?
Kennedy: Why not? The 4 siblings haven’t had a dinner for together for so long.

In Independent Restaurant
4 siblings: Cheers!
Fiona: The 4 of us haven’t had a dinner together for so long. Ulysses, heard that you will be opening the 2nd branch. Congrats!
Ulysses: Thanks. Make sure you are there for the opening ceremony.
Fiona: That’s for sure. How I wish that there are more people?
Ulysses: Sorry sister, what do you want to hint?
Caleb: No, she wants to ask Lollipop, Bubble Tea and Zhu Zai to join us.
Fiona: I don’t have to beat around the bush. Next week is our dad’s birthday. I just hope that you can turn up for the dinner.
(Ulysses looks at Fiona)

To be continued
Next episode will be uploaded on 30/10.



包泡泡:Bubble tea (Bianca won’t be used)

温信:Won Xin
王宝庆:Bao Qing
朱仔:Zhu Zai
欧阳薇:Ouyang Wei (Ouyang in short)
陈永义:Tan Yong Yi (Tan in short)
欢姐:Aunt Huan
应嫂:Aunt Ying

平原集团:Greenplain Organisation
自力餐馆:Independent Restaurant

Tuesday, October 23, 2007






Tuesday, October 16, 2007



武:(想了片刻) 如果你当不成秘书,你会……
武:好啦,我看得出你的诚意,而且要学历有学历、要外貌有外貌,又会那么多种语言。你除了要当我的秘书,也要当我的翻译。那么Candice, 你明天九点准时上班。



侠:(拿起一张纸) 这是总裁温信先生写的。他将这次的航空展交给副总经理温武先生负责。你原本在购买新飞机的任务先会搁在一边。
武:(惊讶) 怎么回事啊?


:(喝了一口酒) 他重用我二哥,我知道。不过,他怎么可以给一个新手负责一个这么大型的活动?我是欧洲线的总经理,我现在要协助我的副总经理!

武:对了Candice, 你今晚有空吗?作为你的老板,都还没请你吃过饭。
:(骄傲的样子) 我有看过你桌子上的一张名片,老板是温侠。应该是你的哥哥吧!

泡:大姐,这碟炒面炒好了。Caleb, 你好!你一个人啊?
泡:(黑了张脸) 我先进去做事了!


Friday, October 12, 2007



武:(摇头) 我也没看过爸爸做伤天害理的事啊。好啦,不说这个了啦!怎么样,有女朋友了吗?

信:阿武哪像你那么贪玩啊?(迪给了个不屑的眼光) 好吧,待会儿你跟我们一起回公司。


狄克:Kennedy(阿迪的英文名) ,找我有事吗?


泡:(跳起来) 是吗?(棒棒糖从厨房走出来) 姐姐,他说我可爱耶!我很可爱哦?


武:好了,你等我们的电话吧!(伸了个懒腰) Joey,几个求职者来应征了?


Tuesday, October 9, 2007




庆(王宝庆,温甜甜丈夫) :我看过市场调查,新加坡直飞美洲的航班有限。现在市民通常要转几班飞机才能到美洲。我相信市民会搭我们集团的航班。
迪(温迪) :不过姐夫,新加坡人的月薪不会太高。新加坡人未必会乘搭比较贵的直航飞机。此外,直航机的成本很高。我怕集团会亏本。
薇(欧阳薇,集团高层之一) :不过新加坡人现在享受物质生活。我们只要提供比较好的服务给搭客。我相信他们不介意付多点钱。
庆:Fiona(甜的英文名) ,不要再说了!


甜:(叹气) 他们两个其实还很关心对方的,只是两个脾气都很硬。阿迪又……爸爸只能靠阿武。
庆:(拍拍甜的肩膀) 但愿如此吧!对了,阿武出来了。
武(温武) :大姐、姐夫!
甜:(与武拥抱) 大姐好想你!好吧,回家再说吧!


宝庆(摇头) :阿迪负责公司的亚洲线两年。他没什么表现,他也不被爸爸重用。阿侠想开餐馆,想自力更生,不过爸爸不想他在外抛头露面。不过阿侠不理爸爸,跟爸爸闹翻。阿侠现在搬出去住了。


应(应嫂,温家佣人) :少爷,喝茶!
应:(意外) 我也有?谢谢少爷!
甜:(塞给武一张字条) 这是阿侠的餐馆地址,吃完饭去找他。


朱仔(餐馆部长) :先生,我们打烊了!
朱 :请等等!老板,有人找你。
侠:谁啊?(显出高兴的脸孔) 小武!(拥抱、击掌) 你终于回来了!
朱:(抓头) 你好!
武:(傻笑) 没有啊。


Sunday, September 23, 2007


大家,我决定把我的故事放在这个博客。至于每多久放一集,请留意我的博客, 以下的是六亲不认的大纲:


